The rules
- I accept that Biitsiareena has recording video surveillance in use.
- In the unisex sauna, wear a swimsuit or a towel.
- A maximum of 20 people are allowed per session unless a larger group has been specifically agreed upon.
- Do not bring your own alcoholic beverages. (This will result in a ban and a compensation fee of at least 200 euros payable to Biitsiareena.)
- Do not attend a session if you are sick.
- Do not bring glass bottles.
- Do not bring animals.
- Do not spit.
- Do not hang on the net.
- Children must be informed not to run onto adjacent courts as this can cause dangerous situations.
- Do not eat in the sand area to keep the sand clean.
- Food consumed at Biitsiareena must be ordered through us. Bringing your own food is allowed only if you have received permission from us.
- For bookings on courts 2 and 3, any birthday treats and snacks must be consumed at the terrace area at the beginning of the session.
- Changing the pressure of Biitsiareena's balls is allowed only if you have received permission to do so.
- Removing the beach volleyball net is allowed only if you have received permission from us.
- Playing beach tennis with "hard" balls is allowed only if you have permission from us. Playing with soft junior balls does not require permission.
- The facilities must be kept clean.
- The court must be leveled at the end of the session. Dedicate at least 5 minutes to this. The purpose of leveling the court is not to hide footprints but to make the court even by moving sand from areas where there is too much to areas where there is too little. Usually, sand accumulates too much near the net and between the players' reception positions during the game. (Visual leveling instructions)
- You are responsible for ensuring that everyone attending your session follows our rules.
- 🏝️IBIZA Bileet 22.3.25 K-18 - Lue lisää...
- 🏝️IBIZA Bileet 22.3 VIP K-18 - Lue lisää...
- Oulu Beach Volley Offseason Open Men 29.3 - Lue lisää...
- Oulu Beach Volley Offseason Open Women 12.4 - Lue lisää...
- Avoin pelivuoro: Keskiviikko 12.3.2025 klo 19.30-21, kenttä 3 - Lue lisää...
- Avoin pelivuoro: Perjantai 14.3.2025 klo 20-21:30, kenttä 1 - Lue lisää...
- Avoin pelivuoro: Lauantai 15.3.2025 klo 12-13:30, kenttä 3 - Lue lisää...
- Avoin pelivuoro: Sunnuntai 16.3.2025 klo 12-13:30, kenttä 3 - Lue lisää...
- Afrotanssi tiistai 18.3 klo 18.30-19.30 - Lue lisää...
- BiitsiJooga +24 lauantai 26.4 klo 11-12 - Lue lisää...
Ohjattu tutustumiskerta yritykselle valitsemaanne lajiin
- Kesto 1,5 tuntia
- Lajivaihtoehdot: rantalentopallo, zumba, jooga, afrotanssi, samba, kahvakuulatreeni, footvolley ja beach tennis. Hinta: Kysy tarjous!
- Sisältö räätälöidään toiveiden mukaan.
- Yhteydenotot: Johanna Hartikka (0458483000) tai lähetä viesti yhteydenottolomakkeen kautta
Biitsiareena Facebookissa
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